3/29/2006 11:55:00 PM|W|P|Bigg Rome|W|P|Here's the beat to the Hail Mary remix on the main site. http://www.onlinemusicproduction.com/misc/hailmary.m3u Download it now. http://www.onlinemusicproduction.com/misc/hailmaryrmxbeat.mp3 |W|P|114370553161239368|W|P|Free Give-a-ways all of the time - Hang Around|W|P|nexphaze@comcast.net3/31/2006 10:08:00 AM|W|P|Anonymous Anonymous|W|P|Hey was up man... It's Free Promotion from Futureproducers.com Nice job on the beat remix... I dig it all, really nicely crafted, and unique... Also nice on getting such a good domain name onlinemusicproduction.com, that is smart... I have a few questions... How did you get your bass so well, what programs do you use, and did you compress your kicks.4/01/2006 12:47:00 AM|W|P|Blogger Bigg Rome|W|P|I use REASON 3.0 and that bass that you hear is a pitched down sine wave. I turned the pitch on the initial sine wave in the Malstrom in REASON down to -2 and just played that bassline on my midi controller. I don't compress my kicks. I normally don't do much to the beats I post on the web, they're just for promotion. When someone asks for a song, I do a lot more to it. Thanks for checking out the site. If you have some music, drop me a link so I can check it out.3/15/2006 09:31:00 PM|W|P|Bigg Rome|W|P|Welcome to online music production.com|W|P|114248712562737628|W|P|Hello|W|P|nexphaze@comcast.net4/19/2006 07:45:00 AM|W|P|Anonymous Anonymous|W|P|Hey man, when are you gonna post more? This is a new site? Let me know if you want to get a bit more professional and make a better site. I can install you a pimpin blog but you have to buy a hosting... somewhere like www.1and1.com for like 5 bucks a month and ill install you a better blog with a better layout just so you can keep posting up stuff. Let me know

www.337studios.com is my site, go to the contact page to reach me!